Saturday, May 28, 2011


At times i sit all alone, thinking or rather trying to do so what is it that keeps us all going. Is it love or is it greed or may be even hatred, is it the desire which again can be ambiguous be it desire of love or lust, the desire to give something back to the society or the desire to take away everything from the society. Are we really living life the way we should or just surviving for the sake of it. But then even animals survive, roaming around freely, living life on their own terms. Are we doing any better? Of-course we think of ourselves the superior race making the most of what the universe has to offer. We invented and discovered so many things, all aimed at making our life better, to start with at-least better than these animals and then going forward better than the others of our kind. We have done so much for ourselves, making our life comfortable, doesn't matter if we are doing all this at the cost of mother nature. Who cares about the future, we are doing good for ourselves and the ones coming after us can do the same or may be even better.
Who are we to think about all these. If thinking about all this is too much of a task, well then just think about ourselves, think of us, the humans, the superior race. But then in this fast paced life who has the time to even think about that. How often we sit alone thinking about our-self, our life our priorities and the least about our duties? We complain who have the time to think, if we will think a lot u will loose the momentum, our peers will move ahead of us and what worse we will be looked down upon by one and all, hell we will be termed a looser, who wants to be a looser, certainly not we, we are of the superior race, there's no way we can be okay with being a looser. So better to play safe, just go with everyone else, do what everyone else is doing say what you are expected to say or to be precise, what everyone wants to hear.
But this is what even the animals are doing minus all the techy stuffs. Hell ! how can we be like animals we are of the superior race or so we believe.
Life's not just about living. There's so much life has to offer, all we need to do is to keep our senses open. But it's easier said than done. We usually see things from one perspective but there's always two sides of a coin and unless we can see through things we can't trust our senses.
We need to control our senses and there's no certain way of doing so but to keep trying. Look within for answers but before that one need to have questions, look around you, there's plenty to ponder about. And once we start doing so we will get answers to most of our questions if not all. All we need to do is take some time out for our-self. And it's not so tough to do so like we keep complaining we don't get time for this, though we spend hours on stuffs of far less importance if not of no importance. All we need is the desire, desire to be true to our inner self if being true to every one else is so tough, and as we say where's a will there's always a way.

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